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Cowboy Lingo

A Fork Saddle - A saddle with the front end looking like an "A," no swells

All full of hisself - Egotistical

App - Appaloosa horse

Brand - Distinctive design burned into a cow / horses hide to show ownership

Bull Nurse - Ranch representative who accompanies shipped cattle to market

Calf Crop - Percentage of newborn calves

Chaparral - Dense thicket

Chaps - Protective leather coverings for the legs of cowboys

Chinks - Short chaps, usually fringed & stopping just below the knee

Chinook - Warm, dry wind that originates on the leeward slopes of mountains

Chips - Dried cow or buffalo manure used to fuel a fire in the absence of wood

Code of the West - Gentleman's agreement to certain rules of conduct for survival

Cow - The dumbest animal God created

Cow Horse - horse who has the ability to anticipate the behavior of cattle

Crow Hop - Stiff legged jumps by a horse that doesn't know how to buck

Dally - Wrap taken around the saddle horn with the tail end of a lariat rope

Dunn Horse - Yellowish brown colored horse, usually with black stockings, mane & tail

Earmark - Distinctive cut in a cows ear to show ownership

Farmer's Riggin' - Bib-overalls

Gelding - Castrated stud horse

Gravel Grinders - Spurs with a long shank which drag the ground as one walks. Useful for short legged riders.

Greener - Inexperienced hand

Grulla - Mouse colored horse

Hooks - Spurs

Hull - Saddle

Jackpot - Dangerous situation

Jackpot (Rodeo events) - Contestants pool their money which is then awarded to the winners.

John B. - Stetson hat

Kack - Saddle

Leggings - Chaps

Lineback Dunn - Dunn horse with a black line running down the spine

Pootin' Pony - Spirited horse

Puncher - Cowhand

Ride for the Brand - Being loyal to your employer

Salty - Fiesty

Section - 640 acres & one square mile

Shepherd's Bible - 3 pound mail order catalog

Shotguns - Step-in chaps similar to a pair of pants

Slicker - Rain jacket

Slickfork - "A" Fork saddle

Soogan - Bedroll

Spur Track - Mark left across a saddle from a spur when the rider is bucked off

Stampede - Runaway herd

Stringin' a whizzer - Telling a tall tale

Twine Twirler - Calf or steer roper

A Windy - A tall tale

Wish Book - Mail order catalog

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Changes last made on: Mon Jul 06, 2009